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"I've always taken 'The Wizard of Oz' very seriously, you know. I believe in the idea of the rainbow. And I've spent my entire life trying to get over it." - Judy Garland

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Paul Draper's Mysteries of the Mind Newsletter

"I've always taken 'The Wizard of Oz' very seriously, you know. I believe in the idea of the rainbow. And I've spent my entire life trying to get over it." - Judy Garland

Welcome to March's "Mysteries of the Mind" monthly newsletter!

"Look, look, look to the rainbow. Follow the fellow who follows a dream" -Finian's Rainbow
Watch here.

I have learned a lot the last 5 years about what it takes to follow your dreams and find the gold at the end of the rainbow; I want to share some of my key steps with you that you can apply instantly to your life as well.

1) Know what your dreams and goals are.
Know what you wish to achieve. You don't have to know how to get there, but you do have to have a clear picture of what you want. This is like wet concrete: it can still change, but at least you have a vision and a foundation. Know what success looks like to you. It is amazing how often I see people fail artistically and in my consulting work with organizations when they don't have a clear dream.

2) Don't give up when things start to become difficult.
"The way I see it, if you want the rainbow, you gotta put up with all of the rain." -Dolly Parton. Things will get difficult-plan on it. Lots of people will say no to even the best ideas. Last month, I had the opportunity to visit with some of my most successful friends in the theater business in both Hollywood and New York. They both taught me the same lesson. Audition 1,000 times and after every audition, forget about it and move on to the next one. Don't sit at home worried about the last audition. Keep working on yourself; competing with only yourself and keep auditioning. You can't use up your emotional energy on yesterday-you need that energy for tomorrow.

3) When you start to achieve your dreams, allow yourself to celebrate.
Too often I see friends reach steps of incredible success, but they are still miserable. This is because they refuse to see the touchstone moments in their lives and allow themselves the pleasure of accomplishment. We must celebrate our successes both publically and privately. We must let our friends and family know the things that we ourselves see as cornerstones of success and then allow them to know when we have achieved them. Every religion and country has a tradition of seasonal calibrations. Each has at least 1 per season and usually 1 per month. This is a way to measure our lives, to remember where we have been and where we are going. You show me how someone celebrates, and I can tell you who they are.

4) Seek advice from everyone, praise everyone.
You don't have to follow everyone's advice-you shouldn't follow most people's advice-but you should seek their advice to see if they offer a new perspective or hold a gem of insight. Also, everyone has genius. Even the homeless man on the street is a genius in something. Find genius in others and praise them for it. It does not diminish you to raise others up, and you never know who they might become.

5) Surround yourself with successful people.
Successful people are looking for smart, kind, driven, intelligent, and hardworking individuals like you to mentor. Buy them lunch. Everyone has to eat. You will rise to the level of those you surround yourself with. Give more than you receive. When you can't surround yourself with successful people, read their biographies.

6) Life is about the journey to the pot of gold. Not the pot of gold itself.
Life is about the days you live, not how you are remembered. Choose a life filled with days that you enjoy living. I start every day with the phrase: "If today is to be my last, it will be enough," and I end each day with the statement, "if today has been my last, it has been enough."

You are the pot of gold at the end of the rainbow! And the three wishes are yours to grant to others.

Your friend,
-Paul Draper

www.MentalMystery.com (agent friendly site)

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"I would rather have a mind opened by wonder than one closed by belief."
-Gerry Spence, How to Argue & Win Every Time: At Home, At Work, In Court, Everywhere, Everyday

Upcoming Events

""You'll never find a rainbow if you're looking down"
-Charlie Chaplin

Suncoast Casino
Las Vegas, Nevada
March 13th

Veterans' Hospital
Las Vegas, Nevada
March 15th

Sam's Town Casino
Las Vegas, Nevada
March 20th

Inclusion Center Banquet
Salt lake City, Utah
March 20th

Tyas Frantz's Wedding
Las Vegas, Nevada
March 21st

Magic Castle
Hollywood, California
March 24th - 30th

Magic Lecture
Anaheim, California
March 31st

Performing Arts Center
San Francisco, California
April 5th

Magic Auctioneer
Las Vegas, Nevada
April 16th

Comic Con FanX
Salt Lake City, Utah
April 17th - 19th

Wizards' Theater
Orlando, Florida
April 28th

Lee Memorial Heath System
Ft. Myers Florida
May 1st - 3rd

Gaslight Gathering
San Diego, California
May 3rd - 4th

Eagle Eyes Foundation
Salt Lake City,
Utah June 6th

Fantasy Con
Salt Lake City, Utah
July 3rd - 5th

Anime Expo
Los Angeles California
July 6th

Finke Theater
California, Missouri
October 10th

Las Vegas, Nevada
October 12th - 14th

International Convention
London, England
November 14th - 16th

To find out more about my corporate lectures and workshops download this .pdf
Transformational Leadership with Paul Draper

Or PaulDraperManagement@Gmail.com

Harvard Business Review

This month the Harvard Business Review showcases the benefit of using corporate Anthropologists like me to help any organization.
Read here

A free gift! This is one of the best and most influential books that I have ever read. At this link you can hear this book read by the author, and you can listen to it all for free! You should.

How to Argue and Win Every Time
Watch/Listen here

Saint Patrick's Day

Dr. Patrick O'Neill, of Penn State University and I were interviewed by Parade Magazine this month about folklore and meanings behind Saint Patrick's Day.
View here

Also, If you didn't have a chance to see my 1 minute of fame on the Travel Channel this week for Ghost Adventures, here it is:
Watch here

For booking information visit www.mentalmysteries.com or call Paul Draper (801) 541-2976 - management@mentalmysteries.com
© 2014 Paul Draper, All Rights Reserved.